R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 1177, Conj.13 -
Itaim Bibi - São Paulo - SP | Tel.: +55 11 3089-7444 | comercial@herzog.com.br | CRECI: 7.216-J
Herzog has the property you are looking for
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Herzog Consulting offers a complete array of services to owners, investors and developers of industrial and commercial real estate, office users and store chains, with the objective of providing the information necessary and all aspects that involve the ownership, investment and occupation of properties.
Our consulting services area works closely with Herzog’s sales, business park/property management, technical appraisals and market opinion areas.
Herzog Consulting Services include:
Analysis of the industrial and office real-estate markets to assist companies in their space-occupation and property divestment & acquisition decisions;
Analysis of portfolio regarding the use of existing properties and/or utilization of new real estate spaces in order to base decisions that involve new investments or the sale of properties;
Studies relative to industrial parks for product design and viability, review of projects from a market, marketing and operational standpoint;
Analysis of the market including supply and demand for store/retail chains, prices charged in sales/leases/key money, availability, identification of commercial areas.
Contact Herzog Consulting Services to find out more how we can help you.